Integral Coaching

Whether you are seeking your best self, questioning how you want to show up in the world, hoping to reach your full potential, curious how you can develop leadership and communication skills, or maybe just want to live more fully or intentionally in all of the multi-dimensional aspects of your professional and personal life, Integral Coaching may be for you.

Our Integral Coaching services help current and emerging leaders and executives fully harness their unique talents, skills, and abilities in all aspects of their lives.   Integral Coaching is an ongoing, evolving methodology to provide coaching to your whole self – not only the professional, but also your personal and spiritual self.

Our services provide coaching on immediate issues and challenges while also supporting discovery and growth to sustain and continue development over time.   

We serve all, from young professionals to senior executives, regardless of life or professional stage.  Coaching sessions are typically delivered via bi-monthly one-on-one coaching sessions; however, small group sessions and customized plans also available.   

Speaking and Curated Events

Beauli provides customized speaking engagements ranging from audiences of 10 to 500+, with particular focus on integral leadership, women-in-business, personal development, and life and career transitional  topics.  

We also provide periodic programmatic and intimate events developed specifically for women executives and women entrepreneurs.  

Talent and Consulting

Beauli offers talent, operational, financial, and strategic consulting for businesses and business owners.   We have over two decades of working with both small and large businesses across a variety of industries, devising and implementing a variety of strategic, operational, and financial growth objectives, as well as on turnaround,  transformation, and merger integration.  Industry expertise ranges from Consumer, Industrial, Technology, Media, Telecom, Energy, Healthcare, Financial, and Nonprofit & Institutional, with particular expertise in Texas-specific banking expansionary efforts and development of new regional business units.  

We also provide deep consulting on talent and personnel matters, including talent pipeline development, talent acquisition, recruiting, and placement, DEI strategy, executive coaching, learning & professional development and engagement strategies, with particular expertise in diverse Texas-based banking and financial services talent.

For more information on any of the services provided or an upcoming calendar of events, please contact Julia Harman at or visit us on Instagram @beauli_inspired