executive Coaching, consulting & development

It’s time to reclaim joy in the workplace

I help organizations and individuals find purpose and fulfillment. By fostering holistic growth, our work together will enhance leadership skills, deepen self-awareness, and boost engagement — at work and beyond.

The hidden cost of success

52% of employees are unhappy at work

In today's fast-paced, always-connected world, keeping up with constant demands and high expectations of your job can make you feel like you’re spinning your wheels. Maybe you’re weighed down by burnout. Or you’re searching for deeper engagement and a stronger sense of purpose.

Managers are struggling too. They’re left fighting to retain high-quality team members while unengaged, unhappy employees impact morale — and the bottom line. 

It’s enough to make you wonder… is anyone winning here?

I’ve been on both sides and know that success often comes at a cost. This is what drives me to help others discover meaning, joy, and presence in their lives, careers, and businesses. And I want to help you.

Whether you're feeling burnt out, stuck, or simply yearning for "something more," I’ll guide you on your journey toward greater fulfillment and happiness.

From career success to career significance

For over 20 years, I excelled in the financial services industry, helping corporate clients achieve their goals and eventually overseeing a multi-billion-dollar business with hundreds of employees. Despite outward success, I was often too busy to enjoy life, feeling increasingly pulled, and quite frankly, empty.

When a health crisis led me to reevaluate my career, I decided to pursue a more personally fulfilling path. After much reflection on the things I value most, I founded Harman Leadership. Now, I support businesses and one-on-one clients as they pursue positive changes in their personal and professional lives.

  • “I engaged Julia as my coach in preparation for launching a new business. She helped me get clear on my passions, gifts, and purpose, and provided critical support as I took the leap. She delivered immense value to me as my executive coach, giving me confidence and practical ways to set myself up for success. I am so grateful she has been, and continues to be, in my corner.”

    Entrepreneur & CEO

Meaningful growth starts here